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Advanced Transistor Material and Device Laboratory & Wei's Group @ Fudan University

《Nano Lett》基于“纳米抗体镊”二价探针的晶体管传感器件




如何在纳米尺度上实现具有空间自适应的多价结合仍然具有挑战, 本工作报告了一种“抗体纳米镊”。该“抗体纳米镊”由DNA框架构建,通过控制两个纳米抗体之间的距离使得其与蛋白表面两个不同表位的距离匹配且每个纳米抗体局部有空间自由度,因此,两个纳米抗体可以精准地结合蛋白上两个不同表位且无应力,从而增强结合亲和力(Figure 1)。


Figure 1. Antibody nanotweezer on transistor. (a) Target epitopes on viral protein. (b) Antibody nanotweezer with spatial tolerance. (c)   Schematics of g-FET functionalized with antibody nanotweezers. (d) Micrograph of graphene channel. (e) Photo of packaged device. (f) AFM image of TDD structures in 1× TM buffer. (g) Fluorescence images of antibody nanotweezer with DNA linker 1 and linker 2 modified with Cy3 and Alexa 488, excited by 561 and 488 nm lasers, respectively. Scale bar: 30 µm.

“抗体纳米镊”构筑在晶体管沟道后,其与蛋白的结合会对晶体管进行电学掺杂,从而产生电学信号。该工作用以冠病毒刺突蛋白为例,测试了“抗体纳米镊”对不同浓度蛋白的电学响应。为了验证二价结合的优势,分别测量了修饰有单个纳米抗体以及纳米抗体混合修饰下对刺突蛋白的响应。结果显示,“抗体纳米镊”对刺突蛋白的电学响应明显高于其他的几种情况,也说明了“抗体纳米镊”较单价纳米抗体对刺突蛋白有更高的结合亲和力(Figure 2)。此外,作者将微流控系统与晶体管相结合,测试了“抗体纳米镊”以及单价纳米抗体与刺突蛋白之间的结合亲和力,证明了“抗体纳米镊”较单价纳米抗体高约一个数量级(Figure 3)。


Figure 2. Performance of antibody nanotweezer. (a) Transport curves of g-FETmodified with antibody nanotweezer upon addition of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein atdifferent concentrations. (b)VDiracas a function ofspike protein concentration. (c)Real-time Ids/Ids,0 measurement upon consecutiveaddition of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein at different concentrations. (d) Ids/Ids,0 response upon spike protein of g-FET functionalized with n3088, mixture of n3088 and n3021, rigid bivalent nanobody, respectively. (e) Gel electrophoresis of TDD with pendent DNA and biotin on top vertexes. (f) ∆Ids/Ids,0 response comparison between different receptors upon spike protein. Error bars are determined by the standard deviation of three measurements.


Figure 3. Mechanism study of enhanced performance byantibody nanotweezer. (a) Schematics of microfluidic g-FET for binding kineticsassay. Measured association. (b) and dissociation (c) profilesbetween SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and antibody nanotweezer, n3021, n3088. (d)Binding schematics between protein and nanobodies randomly functionalized ongraphene. (e) AFM image of graphene randomly functionalized with n3021 andn3088 nanobodies. Scale bar: 100 nm. (f) Inter-nanobodydistance histogram for random functionalization of nanobodies on graphene andGaussian fit.



Figure 4. Universality theantibody nanotweezer. (a) Envelope protein domain III of Zika virus and itscustomized antibody nanotweezer based on Z1-G8 and Z1-F6 nanobodies. (b)Real-time ∆Ids/Ids,0 response of g-FET functionalized with antibody nanotweezer upon consecutive addition of Zikaenvelope protein at different concentrations. (c) ∆Ids/Ids,0measurements upon Zika envelope protein of g-FET functionalized with Z1-G8, Z1-F6, mixture of Z1-G8 and Z1-F6, respectively. (d) ∆Ids/Ids,0 response comparison between different receptors upon Zika envelope protein. Error bars aredetermined by the standard deviation of three measurements.



Figure 5. Application of antibodynanotweezer in clinical pathogen testing. (a) ∆VDirac response of the bare g-FET and antibodynanotweezer g-FET when exposed to full serum. (b) Real-time Ids/Ids,0 response upon sequentialaddition of clinical sample N1, H1, P1 and estimated diagnosetime. (c) |∆Ids/Ids,0| response upon clinicalsamples P1-P7, H1-H5, N1-N4. (d) Statistical significance analysis betweenresponses of bivalent nanobody g-FET to positive and negative clinical COVID-19samples, determined by one-way ANOVA followed by a t test (ap: p-value >0.05, **: p-value < 0.01, ***: p-value < 0.001). (e) Real-time ∆Ids/Ids,0 response to P2 sample with serial dilution. (f) |∆Ids/Ids,0| response to original SARS-CoV-2 strain and itsdelta variant. Error bars are determined by the standard deviation of three measurement.




Xuejun Wang, HuaKang, Keke Huang, Mingquan Guo, Yanling Wu, Tianlei Ying, Yunqi Liu, DachengWei, Antibody Nanotweezer Constructing Bivalent Transistor–BiomoleculeInterface with Spatial Tolerance, NanoLett. 2024, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c05140


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